Monday, January 16, 2017

LMS...... Why?

Over the past two quarters I have constantly tried to keep up with my children's school work by following the learning management system, Canvas, and making sure that communication was pertinent and frequent with my children's teachers. One of the teachers, we will call him Mr. Ed since that how I feel about him, never responds to my messages. I have gone through the quarters with a little bit of disgust because I have watched one of my children constantly do well in all classes but the one that this teacher teaches. I have watched my student continue to blow off assignments, forget assignments, not care about assignments and then ace the tests that this teacher hands out. My students grade in the class is suffering greatly due to the lack of willingness to do the assignments. We have poked, prodded, threatened etc to no avail. I just want my student to do the work.  The end of the quarter is this week and so finally I sent another email to this teacher... not through the LMS but rather I googled his name and found his private email address on the internet. I titled the email, "Hello, Are you out there?" He responded within 15 minutes and basically told me that he had never gotten any emails from me but asked if I had gotten the one that he had sent last week. I told him no. According to my student this teacher spends most of his time on Canvas and once when looking over the teachers shoulder he noticed that the teacher had over 300 unanswered messages within the learning management system. A student teacher has provided most of the instruction this year and it mostly consists of memorization handouts and the regurgitation of information back in the form of assignments.  The teacher went on to tell me that he didn't want my student to turn in any of the work but would just give him the grade he got on his final. Really? We don't care about anything the LMS says is missing or is important but would rather grade a student and his outcome on a single test? I don't get it.  You mean I could have been OK with my child not doing any of the work but rather studying for a test and getting a high score? I facilitate teacher recertification courses for a university. I constantly have students who put off their work until the last portion of the semester and yet I still grade their projects, give them credit where credit is due and place importance on learning rather than on regurgitating knowledge on a test at the end. They all know that I am fair and they all enjoy the learning portion of the course. We are very hands on, project based and their end product is something they can use in their occupation, teaching.  People! What good is a learning management system if we are not going to use it, keep it updated, inform parents of learning obstacles etc. Why are we spending millions of dollars on a second grade book if we are not going to use it for the betterment of our students? Why? Why? Why? Are we stupid or is money just burning a hole in our pockets? I am not anti LMS. I love online grade books and having information at my finger tips. Our school district has their traditional online grade book along with their LMS. It is difficult for teachers, students and parents to sometimes understand which one rules them all. Sometimes one will be more updated than the other. It is a mess. To those who make decisions for our public schools, choose one of the other. Either have a Learning Management System or an online grade book. Please don't have both. Teachers, Return parents emails! If you don't know how to read them then ask a student. They will for sure be able to show you.  P.S.  Have a nice day!

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